
The stars come out over the Grand Canyon - Spiritwalk Retreats

The root of the word ritual means to fit together The word in the Andes for ceremony is the same as the one used for play. Ceremony is a way that humans have acknowledged significant events, rites of passage, change, trauma, loss, union, becoming, cross culturally for thousands of years. Ceremony is one of the ways that humans make sense of their world and our own transformation within it.

Contact me directly to learn about ceremonies to honour the following life experiences:










  • LOSS




I have had the honour of conducting wedding and blessing way ceremonies for years, marking these special events with energetic practices of beauty that enrich the lives of all who attend. These are not religious in nature, and I have worked with Rabbi’s, Priests, and Celebrants from all faiths.

Death ceremonies are a good way for people to attain closure when loss of any kind has occurred. They are also an exceptional way of helping people heal mental health issues and navigate suicidal tendencies and inclinations. They are also profound when a loss has occurred suddenly and those left behind need help with closure and communication. When we move into a new space, we are creating new opportunities for ourselves to navigate new terrain in a new way. It is always good to do ceremony when you move, whether renting or owning, to clear past narratives from both yourself and the space and to set clean intent on what and how you want to grow as you move into a new home. Serious illness causes trauma not just for the person experiencing it, but also for all those who are around them offering support. Our culture does not offer us a route through these challenging situations and all the complex emotions that result from them.

Ceremonies allow a space for us to transit through the experience, gathering the gold of whatever hardship, as we travel. Ceremony allows us to share and transform and move energies that otherwise can grow into narratives that damage family and collective structure.

Significant family events can lodge in a family narrative for years and sometimes, generations. Ceremony helps us bring closure and beauty to these marking events, allowing space for energies to move and transform so we are no longer “stuck” in the experience or in the fall out of our own narrative. Regardless of the motivation behind the ceremony, the process of creating ceremony, creates healing. Period. Together, we create some sacred space for beauty to grow from even the most challenging of circumstances.