Private Sessions

How do I book a session? 

Please send me an email or call to book a session. Rates are listed in USD and include taxes, however, Canadians will be billed in CDN +5% GST for all services. 


Time: 1-2 hours
Cost: $300

This session type is a standard Shamanic Healing, where your physical, emotional, mental, soul and energy bodies are tracked and cleared of any residue that is no longer serving you. As we move through our lives, as energy systems, we pick up all sorts of stuff and store it. Whether this is past relationship experience or trauma, loss, grief, mental health issues, words we’ve heard, ways we have been treated, ways we have seen the world or experienced it. We also store genetic information, experience and trauma from our family lines, as well as often carrying experiences in our soul imprint from past lives we have lived.

All of these experiences will be ‘remembered’ by the body and stored as energy, oftentimes inhibiting us from moving on in our lives or feeling we can operate free from our past pain and suffering. These sessions are strong and succinct, effects generally felt immediately to within the first 48 hours and integrating over the subsequent 2 week period.


What is soul retrieval?

There are many causes of “soul loss” that can occur in your life. Soul loss is a departure of the soul from the body and its failure to return. In many cultures it's believed to be a primary cause of illness and death. The essence of most cures is the catching of the lost soul by a shaman and its reintroduction into the patient's body, but it's also important to understand why it might occur in the first place. The following is a list of possible causes:

  • Physical, Sexual or Emotional abuse 

  • Rape and/or violent experiences, such as accidents/attacks

  • Birth Trauma, inadequate care as a child 

  • Post traumatic stress from War, Relocation, Terrorism, Death, Prison, Divorce or Disaster 

  • Being unseen or ignored, comparative thought

  • Intrusive procedures, operations and surgeries

  • Betrayal, Manipulation, Dominant Personalities

  • Poor leadership, parenting, education, or misleading religious indoctrination

  • Personal failure or deep disappointment, performance 

  • Toxic prolonged work environments or situations 

Why you might need soul retrieval:

We are stuck in behaviour patterns or life experiences.We are unable to heal or let go of a relationship. We have experienced some form of loss: person, home, work, friendship, identity. Can’t experience joy. Suffering. We hold one or many of the Four Universal Addictions. We feel unloved, unseen, unheard, unworthy. Can’t succeed in life, work or relationships.


Time: 3 sessions (1.5 hrs, 15-60mins, 1.5 hrs) 
Cost: $750 based on time
*Includes home“play” for the client

When we are wounded, pieces of us go missing. They disappear into our subconscious and then bind us behaviour patterns. We try to change our lives but our behaviours do not allow this. We  talk with therapists and gain knowledge or understanding of our behaviours and this does not change them. We find ourselves “bound” to our personality and the experiences it produces for us. We have lost parts of our soul and we need them back so we can experience life with choice and as whole, healed and holy beings. Through the shamanic gaze, the following issues are indicators of soul loss:

  • Mental Health Issues

  • Addiction (Intensity, Needing to know, Perfection, and Focusing on what doesnt work). These would encompass drama cycles, drugs, sex, gambling, production, busyness, gossip, violence cycles, extreme lifestyles.

  • Sleep Issues

  • Memory Loss

  • Eating Disorders and Food Issues

  • Violence

  • PTSD

This type of soul loss results in us binding our behaviour to certain and specific contracts. In these sessions, we identify and bring back the missing soul pieces, identify and rework the contracts associated with them, and craft a new narrative of our lives. As a shaman, I have never come across more effective work for changing the short and long term of lives. Period. This work is profound, deep, and primarily, because I love efficiency and not wasting time or energy, effectively.

3 sessions (see below)
Cost: $800-$1000

This work can also be done with couples to identify patterns and soul loss within any form of relationship; lovers, friends, parent and child and in your business relationships.

Time: 3 sessions (see above)
Cost: $800-$1200 (depending on number of people)

Sometimes soul loss occurs within family structures through some of the following experiences: trauma, displacement, loss, moving, change of careers, dominant personality types, violence, addiction behaviours, illness, high medical or emotional needs of family members, religious impact, heavy family stories, mental health issues. The family’s experiences and behaviours become governed by these issues. Contract based soul retrieval is an effective way to shift this imprint and create new behaviours and shapes for the family. This work is some of the most effective I have come across for changing family paradigms.

Time: 3 sessions, 1 hr each
Cost: $ 800

This 3 session process involves working with the family unit (or part of) to map, transform and heal the family structure or “constellation”. This allows families to bring consciousness to behaviour patterns and shapes and to consciously create new models. Incredibly effective to create new relationship dynamics and behaviours for those within the family model and form.

Time: 3 sessions (see below)
Cost: $650-$800 based on time

This form of soul retrieval tracks specific contracts and soul loss related to family lines, inherited genetically and through our upbringings. Relationships to money, success, failure, safety, work, identity are often governed by these genetic stories or narratives. This format of soul retrieval allows us to return parts that have been missing through generations of our family lines, so that we and our children and their children can live currently, ungoverned by stories of the past, money, and identity in the same way.

Time: 1-3 hrs
Cost: $300-$400
When animals experience trauma it can also lodge as behavioural or health issues. Soul retrieval can be done with your pets, to clear these stored energy traumas and behaviours. This is some of my favourite work as it tends to validate the work for us humans, as, when we get to witness these shifts in our pets, we realize that the work is not placebo, that it actually works!

Time: 1-3 sessions
Cost: $300-$800 depending on time

This is work that I am constantly doing as a form of reciprocity and service for the world, however, sometimes, families or people experience a trauma in their land, home, place of work etc. When this occurs, or did occur in the past (war, genocide, accidents environmental or commercial, flooding, fire, hurricanes, wind events, sand events, landslides, murder, drought, famine, pestilence, violence, repression.), the energy of these events can lock into the land, and or structures within the land, both natural and man made. This format of soul retrieval helps bring the land back to a healed state.


1 hr per session
Cost: $250 per session

The assemblage point is where we gather and store information in our physical and energy bodies. When we find ourselves inauthentic (out of our sacred hoop), struggle to speak up for ourselves or others, speak our “truth”, self represent, be treated fairly, experience distortion in our relationships or life, we likely have an assemblage point that is out of place. In this work we move the assemblage point into the heart so that one can experience life from the heart. We suddenly find ourselves speaking our truth, loving ourselves and others differently, making choices that serve our heart or destiny with way less effort. One of the best metaphors for this work is that we move from a “double-exposure to a single uniform exposure” using photography as a metaphor. This can be done in one, two, or three sessions depending on the client.


: 1.5-2hrs
Cost: $250

When we find that a certain theme is dominant in our lives, it can often be stored in the spine. For example, you may always find yourself drawn to relationships or people that feel the same. We feel like we are stuck in a “track” or “rut” of behaviour. We remove this 'magnetic-like' root so that the theme can move away from your reality.


Cost: $300

Sometimes there is someone with whom you need to verbally communicate to clear an issue or get closure with, either living or dead. You might not feel safe or are somehow unable to have this conversation in person. However, this is needed to create closure for your energy system. When we cannot speak to the person directly due to circumstances or death (they’ve passed away) , we turn to surrogate work. This work can be profound. It helps to gain insight and get answers from those whom we might not be able to speak with directly. We might have a question for a parent about something we went through as a child, or even something they went through as a child that never got discussed. When resentment and anger need to be moved but you would rather not take it out on a relationship, surrogate work can provide a safe channel for letting go and moving forward in a healthier way.


Time: 30mins, 60 mins, 90 mins
Cost: $150, $300, $400

The shamanic lens creates profound change in people’s lives. This lens and gaze and the teachings that go with it are transmitted through Shamanic Counsel sessions. These sessions would be the most in line with traditional therapy sessions. Whatever issues you or your business or relationships might be dealing with, Shamanic Counsel can help you make your way through them while creating beauty throughout your life. These sessions can be daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly, and will have significant impact and benefit in all aspects of your life, both personal and professional. Session times and duration can be adjusted based on your budget.

This work can be done individually, with relationships or with corporate or group environments. Please see Testimonials to hear about the effectiveness of this form of Counsel Session.   * Group or Corporate work priced based on model.

HEALING DAY - Private half or full day Shamanic Immersion  
Time: 5+hrs/10+hrs
Cost: $800-$1200

This is a personalized day of healing and shamanic learning that is cultivated for the individual or group. We will work together from 10am-3pm or from 10am-8pm or sometimes later, doing everything from energy healings, to journeys, to sand-paintings (nature based mandalas), traveling to local sacred land and working out in nature. You will not only have the opportunity to do your own healing and transform wounds, but to learn some techniques and practices for yourself to carry with you as tools. This is a wonderful, powerful and intimate way to step into medicine practice in a safe and supported environment, where you can be guided to discover and create your own conscious medicine path.


Time: 12-24 hours over 2-4 months
Cost: $1600

Quite often, people come to me in a crisis state when other healing modalities have not worked. This is amazing and shamanic work is incredible in dealing with these situations. However, shamanic work is also a progressive way to a happy healthy life generally.

Some of you might not be able to access this work more than you do due to the cost. For others, there might not be the awareness that this type of work can help with all aspects of life, from health to heart to happiness, to improving all relations, primarily with one’s Self. Many of us see therapists weekly, and might have done so for years. It is my belief that we can talk till the cows come home about our lives and our problems, but shamanic work can, on a daily basis, tangibly guide us through the healing of the wounds that shape our lives.

So, in regards to the above, I am now offering a longer term protocol for healing. This is for people who are seeking a shift in their lives and who are willing to engage whole-heartedly in their own healing process.


3-4hrs session time and 6-12 hours home-play per level
Cost: $1600 for eight sessions over 2-4 months

Over a period of 2-4 months we will work together through healing on all four levels of engagement. In shamanic work, we understand that we engage with the world on four different levels simultaneously:

  • We engage literally - this speaks to engaging physically and materially. This level can be accessed by the spoken or written word.

  • We engage symbolically - this speaks to the emotional world, all aspects of life that are juicy and rich and that are fluid in a different way than the physical level. This level can be accessed by the spoken or written word.

  • We engage mythically - this speaks to the metaphors, revelations and synchronicities. This level can’t be accessed by the spoken or written word.

  • We engage essentially - this speaks to the pure energetic engagement we have with everything in the universe.

    A metaphor I use to explain this is the idea of a sunset. If you watch a sunset:

  • On the literal level, it is orange and red and pink and set over mountains or the ocean. The air becomes cooler, the light dimmer.

  • On the symbolic level, it gives you hope, makes you calm, inspires you. It’s romantic.

  • The mythic level covers all the things you might think about, revelations you might have, awakenings, moments of insight. These cannot be explained, they just happen inside you while you experience the sunset.

  • The essential level is what is happening to you on a cellular level while you interact with the sunset.

I hope this lends some understanding to the four levels of engagement. This protocol will move you individually through healing on each level of engagement. First, we will work on your physical reality - how does it feel to be in your body, how do we improve your relationship to your body, your home, your job. In this level we find ways to bring about 'ayni', a Que Tuan word for right relationship and balance. This will involve two sessions, the first an energy healing and the next a counseling session. Here you'll receive assignments designed specifically for you to do over the period of time we are working on the physical body. We will move through each level this way, healing progressively the physical body, the emotional body, the spiritual body and the luminous, energy body. We will work on each level for a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of four weeks. You need to be committed to your end of the work, completing whatever Spirit assigns for you in that time. However, it will be structured with our busy lives and many responsibilities in mind. This work is designed for you to experience a tangible shift in your perception of reality over the comparatively short time frame of two to four months.  In terms of time, you will need to have six to twelve hours for each level to spend on your own healing. This includes time for our sessions. This work is only for people who wish to actively participate in their own healing. It is a commitment to change for those who are a little tired with how they experience reality. This is not simply about me clearing you but of both of us working together on this process. It will work for children, couples and individuals on any stage of the healing journey. My hope is that it will aid people in finding and creating a map-book to their own joy.


Time: 1hr
Cost: $250

This is gentle work used to refine the energy system and charge the four energy centers of the body. A traditional Peruvian technique that encases your energy system into a giant crystal so that energy coming in or out refines when it leaves or enters your field. Simple and yet profound to deflect negative energies out there in the world or inside us. What this means is that when people send you crap energy, it refines before it hits your system so that you might be able to witness the negativity but it does not affect you. The same is true for when we send out negative energy or disordered energy, it refines on it’s way out so others do not experience it as disorder.