The White Hawk Medicine Wheel
“Since doing a medicine wheel with Nikki, the quality of my life has improved drastically. I feel that I am capable of being the person I want to be. I am no longer living in reaction to life’s events but am able to steer, choose and find my place of power, wisdom and positivity. I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to be involved with Nikki and shamanic work.”
I have taught the Medicine Wheel for over 15 years, all over the world, in mansions, in prisons, on reserves, and in homes and schools. The Medicine Wheel is a Four Directions training and initiation that guides us in developing our inner healer, warrior, teacher and visionary. This initiatory cycle is the most transformative work I have come across in this lifetime. The tools, practices and teachings are deep and change how we live, see and die. We begin in the South, with the teachings of the Serpent, and learn how to master our stories and let go, shed our skins like the snake.
We learn how to effortlessly move around obstacles on our path, and embrace the teachings of fluidity and grace.
We enter the place of the setting sun next, the West, and learn how to cultivate our own inner warrior, walking, without enemy, in this lifetime or the next. In this direction, we clear out our genetic stories, those stories that travel down a family line from one generation to the next. Stories of illness, money, work, family dynamic, interconnection, relationship. We learn how to face our fears and create a “right use of power.”
Next we learn from the Royal Hummingbird of the North, cultivating our own greatest teacher inside us, detaching from outcome and how to directly create JOY. We learn how to drink from the nectar of life. This moves us into the East, or the place of the rising sun, the Gate of the Visionary, the Eagle and Condor.
In the East, we learn the tools and practices for clear vision, how to step into our destiny or dharma, and how to see the next steps on our path. There is no way to put into words what is gifted through these amazing teachings. They simply change every day of our lives, how we move, see and will choose to die in this two legged form.
Dreams do come true! You are the only one who can dream them! Medicine Wheels will be taught whenever there is a group ready to learn, regardless of location.
“When human beings lose their connection to nature, to heaven and earth, then they do not know how to nurture their environment or how to rule their world- which is saying the same thing.(...) From that perspective, healing our society goes hand in hand with healing our personal, elemental connection with the phenomenal world”