Workshops & Retreats
How do I book a workshop or retreat?
Please send me an email or call to book a session. Please send me an email or call to book a session.
Rates are listed in USD and include taxes, however, Canadians will be billed in CDN +5% GST for all services.
Workshops & Retreats Available Click here to see our past workshops.
The following workshops are available for individuals, groups or retreats. There are a number of workshops that I offer that can be customized and taught in most settings, each one of which teaches, promotes and creates deep transformation for both individuals and groups.
Shamanism works with living energy and similar to homeopathy, each piece of healing that transpires adjusts who we are, and how we experience the world. These customized workshops will be completely catered to what is needed by the souls in your group: an evening of fun and learning and wine with some friends? A weekend away for you and those who matter to you, that holds your life’s joy as it’s map?
A workshop or training that helps those working professionally in all forms of health-care to navigate the in’s and out’s of their profession? A corporate retreat to improve team work, efficacy, productivity and overall cohesion? A healing for a family dealing with trauma? These workshops can cover birth, death, disorder and order, how to make our way in the world, how to be effective change-makers, how to accept and work with our dharma and destiny, how to move and transform energy, how to heal our kids, how to love our neighbours, how to track and see beyond what is normally seen, how to live with governance over our own perspective.
Workshops have been taught for over 15 years in homes, offices, prisons, retreat centres, Social Service organizations, corporate environments, parks, on Reserves, with spiritual seekers, medical professionals, First Nations prisoners, wedding parties, yoga teacher trainings, death ceremonies, in urban centers and on country roads in the following places: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Whistler, Galiano Island, Salt Spring Island, Courtenay, Tofino, Quadra Island- Canada, Sayulita, San Pancho- Mexico, Los Angeles, Ojai, New York, Hawaii, Colorado, Oregon, San Francisco- USA, London- England, the Sacred Valley- Peru, Thailand.
Please contact me to schedule a workshop.
The Four Chambered Heart - A Mastery Series
The Four Chambered Heart- A Mastery Series offers extremely practical tools, gathered from the study of two-leggeds (humans) from different sized groups and cultures, that teach us how to live in “right relationship”. This term “right relationship” means that we are in a balanced, reciprocated, joyful way of exchanging with ourselves, our bodies, our work, and all those with whom we come into contact or relationship. The course can run as either a 4 day or 8 day workshop series depending on how deep you would like to go. This course teaches us the ways in which to walk with a full, open, clear and strong heart. It teaches us advanced practices of our inner healer, warrior, teacher and visionary. One of the most practical courses I teach, the Four Chambered Heart will give you tools that you can bring into your every day life to not only enjoy it more, but to walk with a consciousness and responsibility (ability to respond) for your own perspective on reality and actions in the world. Delightful, uplifting, practical and effective, you will want everyone you know to learn these teachings! This work is deeply credited to Angeles Arrien.
Surrogacy Workshops
Surrogacy work is used in a variety of therapeutic models. What do we do and how do we obtain closure when an exchange of energy is needed with someone we couldn’t or shouldn’t exchange with? ( ie someone who has passed on-parent, child, partner, enemy or an ex-partner, friend, colleague that we no longer choose contact with.) The techniques taught in this workshop show us how to channel for others, so that we can represent our Selves and our Needs without having to re-engage in relationships that wounded us. How do you say what you need to say to a rapist or perpetrator? How do you share what you need to with parents who are no longer living, who don’t agree with us, or who we don’t want to hurt? How do you communicate with someone no longer part of your day to day life?
Surrogacy work allows a person or a place or piece of nature to act as a surrogate for whatever energy body you are needing to create closure or beauty with. It is work that brings liberation, completion, freedom and closure.
Must have some training to attend these workshops. Contact me for details.
Affinity Removal Workshop
Why are we such habituated creatures and why do we get stuck in patterns and relationship themes that we can’t seem to get away from? When we find ourselves repeating patterns we might even know are not good for us, we likely have affinities for these events, lodged or coded into our spine.
Affinity removals are an ancient Peruvian technique that remove these “magnet-like” affinities from our spinal column so that we can be supported in breaking free from damaging patterns, relationships and belief patterns.
Warrior Workshop
These workshops explore the archetype of the Warrior and teach us the techniques and practices of how to live without enemy, how to live without battle. In our day to day lives, we create so much battle, resistance and disharmony. We do this through small, daily, banal ways, but also through addictive behaviors and patterns, violent thought programs and behaviours, our own fears and insecurities. The greatest warrior has no fear of battle because no one will take them on, in effect, they walk in peace. How do we accomplish this, so that we are no longer in battle with ourselves, our families, our histories, our cultures, our partners, our children, our colleagues, our enemies? The teachings of the Warrior and all Warrior workshops guide us on this path. The primary teaching of all Warriors is how to be in “right use of power”. How to become clean and powerful, clear and brave and to face all our fears before we manifest them into physical form. This work is critical for any marginalized group or individual, as the resonance of trauma is often reverberated through inappropriate use of power. It shows up as hate, anger, violence, poor decision making, trauma based behaviours, addiction, victimized thinking. We act in ways we do not feel we control. We have lost power to our perpetrators and our experiences rather than be empowered by them, even with trauma based events. The Peaceful Warrior walks without enemy, battle, or victims. They leave light when they walk through darkness.
Grief, Death & Loss Workshops
Death and loss, the one guarantee we have in life, is something that our culture has a very strange relationship with. We suffer and struggle with so many forms of death: divorce, leaving a job, moving, change after trauma, ending or changing of relationships, loss of country or culture, and the actual deaths of those we love. Shamanism teaches us that there are two things we know in this life: one, that we will die; the other, that we won’t. What does this mean and how do we navigate the world when our terrain or landscape changes through loss? Death is as beautiful as birth, and over the years of working with those who have legitimately passed over medically speaking, I have learned that when we dissolve back into only energy (when we leave the physical form), it is the purest joy, love and union, anyone I’ve met has known. In fact, I have been told numerous times, that it is so hard to come back into the physical form because the other side is just so dang great. So why do we fear death and loss so deeply? Our culture operates from a linear model, with a beginning, middle and end. Shamanism understands life through a circular model, astutely understanding the scientific principle of “energy doesn’t die, it just changes form.” The teachings, practices, and rituals of shamanic practice give us tools to navigate the terrain of death and loss, change and transformation, so that each of our life experiences feeds from the compost and bullshit of life, guiding us in how to create beauty from these challenging two legged experiences. Whether you’ve lost loved ones, your Self, ended relationships, or changed jobs, these courses will equip you to handle life’s transitions with grace, dignity, understanding and immense growth.
The Teacher, The Guru, The Fool
I don’t believe in guru’s. I do believe in teachers. Shamanism operates out of horizontal, not vertical, hierarchy. Inside each of us is our own greatest teacher. We are the only ones with our Selves at all times. When we have mastered our archetype of Teacher, we are detached from the outcome of events, accepting of what is, as it is, where it is. Yet we have the simultaneous skill of dreaming the world into being. How do we master the duality of this, being unattached to what happens while still dreaming our dreams into reality? Every one of us has been impacted throughout our lives by teachers, those who are both good at what they do and those who leave negative imprints that we might deal with for life. How do we walk the path of teacher with integrity, not just for ourselves and our students, but to serve the greater world at large? This course is designed to help us chart and navigate the routes towards being a masterful mentor. The responsibility of the teacher is great, as are the rewards of their fruit.
The Four Elements Mastery Training
We are made of earth, water, air and fire. The food that we eat is the body of the earth. The air that we breathe, the exhalation of the plants. The fire is in every chemical connection, idea, in our bodies, and we are made of 72% water. We are surrounded by these four elements working in a synergy together and yet we rarely study them, their relationships or how they affect and impact our lives.
Fire ceremony is the oldest ceremony on earth. We have gathered for thousands of years around fire, learning and listening to the stories of our creation. Each day, we are kept alive by the simple and profound act of breathing. Each time we cry, the rivers of our bodies show us our own waters. When we dance, work out, use our brains, we are firing-think of the word we use for neuron or motor use-firing! How is it that we have such essential and yet unconscious relationships to elements that govern our bodies and our world? This 2, 4, or 8 day course, takes us into deeper relationship with all these sacred elements. We learn tools, techniques, practices and ceremonies that bring us into right relationship with each of the four sacred elements. We learn how to read these elements and track the messages they send. Shamans understand the entire world as a living energy system. As we come into a masterful relationship with each element, we learn to further master the living energy grid that is all life. Get to know and understand the immense teachings, joys, powers and understandings that come thru these great elemental teachers.
Wunderkids Workshops
This is a shamanic course designed for parents, educators or anyone who loves or works with children. I often say that I can’t believe we do not learn the teachings that are shamanism in school, understanding the way I do, that these teachings are a tool box to use for living in right relationship. I wish with all of me, that I had been gifted these teachings when I was a child as they would’ve served me deeply and detoured me out of years of therapy. Our children are our lives. They become the reason for our breath, our greatest joy, and our deepest fears and sorrows. How can we serve them, as their stewards, guardians, and teachers? The teachings shared within this workshop are practical applicate daily and will change not only how you parent and see but also your child’s lived experience.
Fun, engaging, unique and refreshing, these tools draw from Indigenous Parenting Models, the Expressive Arts, shamanic practices, play therapy, traditional tools, to give parents and educators new and old dynamic techniques, tips and tools to help our children live lives of joy, right relationship, balance and reciprocity-essentially to guide our children into AYNI, a Quechua word that means all of those things. However you might show up for children in your world, this course will rock you, providing insight, joy, play and wisdom to be shared and shared and shared and shared.
Retreats (Private or Group) Retreats are extended workshops located in a specific location.
Retreats can be run from anywhere in the world that is suitable. Retreats can be centered around a family, a group of friends, co-workers or the general public. I am connected with international retreat centers where the landscape opens up new stories to be explored by participants. Retreats are catered to whoever attends, often operating from a theme to address systemic issues both for individuals as well as groups and the collective in general. Women’s and men’s retreats can be customized for your group’s needs as can family or children’s gatherings. Whether academic or experiential learning is desired, Spiritwalk Retreats will provide dynamic, transformative, fun, intelligent and stimulating content to guide all participants into walking in joy, right relationship, balance and reciprocity. Critical to these spiritual retreats is FUN! The word in the Andes for ceremony is POOKAY, and the word for play is POOKAY. We have mastered this teaching and bring it deeply into all retreat settings. We play hard and we work hard and we chill hard. Contact Nikki to help put together and customize your next phenomenal retreat and gather the fruit from that seeding for years to come.