Step into purpose and live your authentic and most sacred self.
Shamans are people who have been trained in mastering living energy. We scientifically understand that everything is molecules with atomic vibrations. Shamans have learned how to work with the energy systems of the Earth, the Elements, the Skies, the ancestors, the animals, the people. Underneath any ethical shamanic practice is the fundamental concept of Right Relationship-to our bodies, to our families, to others, to food, to our past, to our future, to “God” or “Creator”. Shamans work in a variety of ways to help organize living energy.
I was brought to shamanic work through witnessing a close friend undertake a medicine wheel after her life had been struck by tragedy. At this point I had explored so many healing modalities out there, from psychiatry, counselling and depth psychology to dream analysis, EMDR, aromatherapy, reflexology, reiki, to addiction therapy, regression therapy and hypnotherapy, to name a few. My friend transformed more in the course of a year than I had witnessed in any other kind of healing. I was drawn to do my own training. Through the tools and practices brought to me from the Medicine Wheel, I felt dramatic and tangible shifts in how I experienced life. My perception of literally everything changed and I received what I felt was a road-map to living in joy. [Read More]
“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole.”

& Offerings
I offer Private Shamanic Healings, Soul Retrievals, Surrogate Sessions, Couples Shamanic Healing, Family Constellation Work, Affinity Removals, Assemblage Point Shifts, Wakka’s, International/Local Retreats for individuals, groups and companies, Medicine Wheels, Workshops with individuals, prisons, social service, organizations, and yoga teacher training programs. I also offer private multi-day shamanic experiences, apprenticeships and training.
Click here to find out more about Spiritwalk Workshops.
“The best way I can describe working with Nikki is like a lighting bolt
of energy striking one’s soul - abrupt, life-changing and transformative.”

My Code of Ethics
The Four Chambered Heart- A Mastery Series
The Four Chambered Heart- A Mastery Series offers extremely practical tools, gathered from the study of legged (humans) from different sized groups and cultures, that teach us how to live in “right relationship”. This term “right relationship” means that we are in a balanced, reciprocated, joyful way of exchanging with ourselves, our bodies, our work, and all those with whom we come into contact or relationship. The course can run as either a 4 day or 8 day workshop series depending on how deep you would like to go. (Learn More)
Surrogacy Workshops
Surrogacy work is used in a variety of therapeutic models. What do we do and how do we obtain closure when an exchange of energy is needed with someone we couldn’t or shouldn’t exchange with? ( ie someone who has passed on-parent, child, partner, enemy or an ex partner, friend, colleague that we no longer choose contact with.) The techniques taught in this workshop show us how to channel for others, so that we can represent our Selves and our Needs without having to re-engage in relationships that wounded us. (Learn More)
Affinity Removal Workshop
Why are we such habituated creatures and why do we get stuck in patterns and relationship themes that we can’t seem to get away from? When we find ourselves repeating patterns we might even know are not good for us, we likely have affinities for these events, lodged or coded into our spine. Affinity removals are an ancient Peruvian technique that remove these “magnet-like” affinities from our spinal column so that we can be supported in breaking free from damaging patterns, relationships and belief patterns. (Learn More)
Warrior Workshops
These workshops explore the archetype of the Warrior and teach us the techniques and practices of how to live without enemy, how to live without battle. In our day to day lives, we create so much battle, resistance and disharmony. We do this through small, daily, banal ways, but also through addictive behaviors and patterns, violent thought programs and behaviors, our own fears and insecurities. The greatest warrior has no fear of battle because no one will take them on, in effect, they walk in peace. (Learn More)
“The word pneuma (breath) shares its origins with the word psyche; they are both considered words for soul. So when there is song in a tale or mythos, we know that the gods are being called upon to breathe their wisdom and power into the matter at hand. We know then that the forces are at work in the spirit world, busy crafting soul.”

We are located on Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley. Many of my workshops are hosted online, however I often travel abroad to host retreats and healings.
“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.”